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To create, inspire, encourage and support equality within the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Australian Girls in Gi; Empowering and enabling female athletes by providing peer support, sharing advice and guidance; creating opportunities, celebrating achievements, fostering leadership, technique, growth and development by providing a culture of inclusion, priority and respect since 2010.

Australian Girls in Gi strives for equal opportunity for all athletes in the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.Core to our values is a future with equal representation of gender in all clubs and affiliations at all levels, starting with Australia. Our goal is to establish and empower female leaders, coaches, business owners and athletes within the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  

Australian Girls in Gi aims to foster and develop the involvement of women within sport and martial arts, most specifically, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu; our focus is on supporting the retention of students within their individual teams, as well as creating development and leadership opportunities for females within the established BJJ community. We believe that female leadership roles and mentors are key to creating change. 

Australian Girls in Gi offers many streams and opportunities to be involved: from member, to management, to support.While membership continues to be free, we continue to crowd source fund our community via events and merchandise sales. AGIG utilises all profit to continue to offer high quality events & services. All proceeds are reinvested directly into community via employment and sponsorship opportunities for women.By attending our events & purchasing our merchandise you support AGIG to continue to provide this valuable service.

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